Super Strong Social Media Headlines Optimized for SEO

You only have a few seconds to capture someone’s attention with your social media posts. That’s why it’s time to start using hooks. Crafting a compelling opening statement that grabs your reader’s attention and entices them to read on is the key to increasing engagement. On social media, this means spending time crafting a one-liner at the start of your captions that is going to:

  • stop people from scrolling past your Instagram reel or LinkedIn article

  • entice someone to tap and read your full caption

  • convince someone to turn the sound on for listening in on video

  • or make someone tune in and engage with your Facebook group.

Here are 24 Hooks Guaranteed to Catch Attention

  1. Start your post with a question: "What are you most proud of?" or "Have you ever had a dream like this?"

  2. Share an interesting statistic: Did you know that...

  3. Quote someone famous: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” - Steve Jobs

  4. Share a personal story: This is the time I realized...

  5. Use an eye-catching graphic: Check out this infographic on...

  6. Share a relevant meme: Only in 2022 ...

  7. Ask your followers to take a poll: What's your favorite thing about summer?

  8. Share a behind-the-scenes photo: Here's what my desk looks like...

  9. Tease your followers with a preview: “Did you know that social media has a direct impact on our mood?”

  10. Share an inspiring quote: “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” - Albert Einstein

  11. Include a call-to-action: I challenge you to try this out for yourself!

  12. Start your post with a rhetorical question: Are you curious about how this works?

  13. Share an interesting fact: Did you know that the average person spends...

  14. Share a funny meme: I'm not saying I don't like my job, but...

  15. Include a video: Check out this hilarious video of people failing miserably at parkour!

  16. End your post with a question: What do you think? Will you give it a try?

  17. Share a relevant article: Check out this article on the latest trends in...

  18. Include an emoji: 😂😃👍🏼💯❤️☀️🌊🎉

  19. Share an funny but true quote: “You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline – it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.” - Frank Zappa

  20. Include a beautiful photo: Take a look at this stunning view...

  21. Include an inspiring video: Watch this moving video about people who have overcome great obstacles in their lives.

  22. Share a heartwarming story: This is the story of how I helped my friend...

  23. Thank your followers for their support: I can't thank you enough for all your support! It means the world to me!

  24. Share a relevant article: Check out this article on the latest trends in...

By including hooks in your social media posts, you will be able to increase engagement and keep your followers coming back for more!

Want even more ideas? Check out Tips to Get Your Email Opened. Many of the techniques used to write an amazing subject line can also be used to write a social media hook.

What Not to Do when Writing a Hook

There are a few things you shouldn't do when creating a hook. For example, don't start your caption with a long story or list of items. This can be overwhelming for readers and make them less likely to continue on. You also don't want to use too many hashtags or emojis in your hook - just one or two will do the trick.

Another no, no is to use the same hook for all of your posts. Come up with different hooks for each post to keep things interesting!

Try it Out!

Hooks are a great way to get people's attention on social media, but it is important not to overdo them. Use only one in your posts and it will be more effective and engaging for readers. You also want to make sure that the hook fit with the audience of each platform - some work better on Instagram while others may do best on Facebook or LinkedIn. By coming up with different hooks for each post, you can keep things fresh without being repetitive!

Head on over to your favourite social media platform right now and try out one of these hooks.

Be sure to tag @elmtreedm. I would love to comment and reshare your content!

Shannon Leslie Kozak

I help small business owners grow their business on-line! Creative social media strategies, email marketing, branding and website design.

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